I should have researched this ahead of time, but unfortunately I didn't and had to make an off-the-top-of-my-head decision, since I arrived at my new place to move in moments after the tech arrived.
All I knew about Arris is that they're frequently despised for their unreliability in the Comcast world, though I knew that related to the gateway models. I wasn't aware that they made straight modems, but the tech said that it was just a modem. Still, I figured that it couldn't hurt to see if he had anything else.
He did, a Cisco DPC3008...which any thread around here will show has one and only one page on it. No log. No anything else. The modem works fine, but I do miss the other things, particularly the log.
Which Arris would it have been if I'd said nothing? Would I have been better off with it (is it reliable, unlike their gateways?)? How is its 100.1 page by comparison?