So we pay charter for 30 down & 4 up. Max i get is 21 down & 2.1 up. Spoke with several Techs and suppose to get them out but have canceled twice in a row. I disconnects for almost 2 weeks straight at the same time every night. Supposedly we have a tech coming out thursday but im not getting my hopes up. I have tried practically everything on my end, so please dont tell me to reset my modem...
I have a Cisco DPC3008 doc 3 modem
Model: Cisco DPC3008
Vendor: Cisco
Hardware Revision: 1.0
Serial Number: 249630408
MAC Address: 7c:b2:1b:af:72:70
Bootloader Revision: 2.3.1_R3
Current Software Revision: d3000-v302r125554-120725a
Firmware Name: d3000-v302r125554-120725a.bin
Firmware Build Time: Jul 26 12:05:30 2012
Cable Modem Status: Operational
Cable Modem State
DOCSIS Downstream Scanning: Completed
DOCSIS Ranging: Completed
DOCSIS DHCP: Completed
DOCSIS TFTP: Completed
DOCSIS Data Reg Complete: Completed
DOCSIS Privacy: Enabled
Downstream Channels
Power Level: Signal to Noise Ratio:
Channel 1: 6.2 dBmV 40.9 dB
Channel 2: 6.8 dBmV 41.4 dB
Channel 3: 6.2 dBmV 40.8 dB
Channel 4: 5.8 dBmV 40.8 dB
Channel 5: 0.0 dBmV 0.0 dB
Channel 6: 0.0 dBmV 0.0 dB
Channel 7: 0.0 dBmV 0.0 dB
Channel 8: 0.0 dBmV 0.0 dB
Upstream Channels
Power Level:
Channel 1: 42.0 dBmV
Channel 2: 0.0 dBmV
Channel 3: 0.0 dBmV
Channel 4: 0.0 dBmV
Thank you -John