I have been waiting to have 8 channel bonding for over 9 months. Charter finally got their act together and upgraded both my node and the downstream bonding. Still no upstream bonding but I am happy. I also seems to be getting 8 channel without the firmware some folks have mentioned I needed. Charter wouldn't push a firmware update to my modem anyway. I will be monitoring to see if my speeds at night are even better than they have been. Thankfully my super slow speed issues were somewhat resolved about 2 months ago. Here are my SB6141 diagnostics below: Let me know if anyone can find any issues with these levels. Thanks
Model Name: SB6141
Vendor Name: Motorola
Firmware Name: SB_KOMODO-
Boot Version: PSPU-Boot(25CLK)
Hardware Version: 7.0
Serial Number: ________________________
Firmware Build Time: Aug 30 2012 15:35:46
Channel ID 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112
Frequency 651000000 Hz 657000000 Hz 663000000 Hz 669000000 Hz 675000000 Hz 681000000 Hz 687000000 Hz 693000000 Hz
Signal to Noise Ratio 39 dB 39 dB 39 dB 39 dB 39 dB 39 dB 39 dB 39 dB
Downstream Modulation QAM256 QAM256 QAM256 QAM256 QAM256 QAM256 QAM256 QAM256
Power Level
The Downstream Power Level reading is a snapshot taken at the time this page was requested. Please Reload/Refresh this Page for a new reading
8 dBmV 9 dBmV 8 dBmV 8 dBmV 8 dBmV 8 dBmV 8 dBmV 8 dBmV
Upstream Bonding Channel Value
Channel ID 2
Frequency 31000000 Hz
Ranging Service ID 1241
Symbol Rate 5.120 Msym/sec
Power Level 47 dBmV
Upstream Modulation [3] 16QAM
[3] 64QAM
Ranging Status Success
Signal Stats (Codewords) Bonding Channel Value
Channel ID 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112
Total Unerrored Codewords 24033492 23122342 23130880 23139154 23113940 23114846 23116016 23117881
Total Correctable Codewords 0 0 0 0 17 14 19 12
Total Uncorrectable Codewords 548 494 594 506 1377 1520 1411 618