Do I have to set my DPC3008 modem to "bridge mode" in order to get through it from the outside. I will be using dynamic DNS from DynDNS. If so dose anyone know how this is done.
One Charter tech said go to htpp:// Login with with no username and password--this works but I just get only 2 tabs. Do you think I am getting restricted access and there is another username that could be used to set it for "bridge mode" if it even needs that? This tech said they allow bridging. but don't support it and would not help other than telling me to leave the username and password fields blank to login into their modem.
I called back twice and the these techs did not have a clue about "bridge mode" or even longing into the webservers running @ htpp:// on their modems modems. Dose charter hire computer people for tech support or just dumb-ass's off the street.