I live in a neighborhood that once had Alabama Broadband in it. Earlier this year Charter bought them. However, Alabama Broadband did not go all the way down my street..(newer neighborhood..) I saw a charter truck giving service on the street that leads to mine, I stopped and talked to him and he told me to call Charter and have them do a survey for my area.. I called Charter and they said my address was "serviceable" and I can order services.. I explained to them I don't have cable out there and she said she sees people on my street that have it and it shouldn't be a problem. That was on last Tuesday.. On Wednesday the installer came out saying that there wasn't a tab near me and the closet tap is .2 miles away and he needed to get a survey done. Also said that with this many houses it shouldn't be an issue and to reschedule my appointment for Monday. I said ok.. He said it would be on Thursday.. I said ok.. Called Thursday night to check the status.. they said the work order was till open.. called Friday and they said the work order was still open.. Called Saturday... was told it was going to happen on Monday.. I called Sunday because I need to know if I needed to take out work on Monday.. She didn't really know whole lot.. Is still plan on taking off this afternoon to see if they are going to be able to install it.. but is this something normally Charter would do? Run a tap .2 miles on the same day as install? How do they know if it is going to be worth their money to do so? Won't they take days to complete?